Vitalis Life & Career Coaching + Therapy featured in international media


Vitalis Coaching & Therapy in London has been frequently interviewed by the media and contributed to numerous regional and international newspapers, television and radio programmes and magazines, both in the United Kingdom and internationally since 2008.

We are delighted to have been featured in the following media channels:


March 2025: Psychologies Magazine

Things are going OK, I tell myself. So why am I feeling a bit, well, meh? It’s not going bad, I don’t feel depressed, but I am not firing on all cilinders either. Journalist Caroline Butterwick explores having lost your spark, and how it find it again! My contribution is to the article on rediscovering your sense of purpose, and getting your bounce back.


August 2024: Teen Breathe Magazine

Let’s talk about getting annoyed. Why do we sometimes have big emotions about tiny things? And if someone annoys us, how do we tell if we have good reason to be annoyed, and how to know if we are overreacting? Let’s learn ways to prevent us from tipping over into full-blown anger.

June 2024: Teen Breathe Magazine

Copycat: what to do when someone is coping you, imitating your looks and likes? Let’s talk about why it hurts, and let’s explore some ideas on how to best handle the situation.

June 2024: Breathe Magazine

Thought-provoking article on delayed happiness, meaning that voice in your head saying I’ll be happy when…. I lost weight, found a partner, got that promotion, move abroad…”. Only to discover that your dream house has noisy neighbours, and your longed-for partner doesn’t listen very well.

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March 2024: Psychologies Magazine

My personal connection with nature is so central to my wellbeing and I simply don’t know where I’d be without being able to gaze at the horizon, marvel at an ancient tree and get my metaphorical roots into the earth. It was a joy to contribute to this special Spring Dossier on connecting with nature.

February 2024: Happiful Magazine

We tend to get anxious - focusing on days, weeks, months, and even years of worries. Why do we do this? Enjoy these handy and straightforward tips to avoid catastrophising about far off times in the future, and experience more inner calm today.

November 2023: Psychologies Magazine

How to find and embrace those little moments that matter to you over the festive season? Practical and heartfelt suggestions in this special Christmas Dossier on how to be present and mindful, to make this Christmas truly meaningful.


September 2023:

Woman & Home Magazine

Sad about summer ending? Post-holiday blues might be a reaction to our return to reality and any challenges we might have ignored during the months of sun. Don't fight the September Blues (article at bottom of the page) - a slower pace in the winter months could be just what you need.

July 2023: Teen Breathe Magazine

Why do we find waiting (e.g. at bus stops, in queues, at the dentist) difficult? Does it make us feel powerless, wishing we could do something more enjoyable? This mindful article called “Worth the Wait” is full of suggestions for how to cope with it better and realise it is not a period of boring, wasted ‘nothingness’ at all!

March 2023: Psychologies Magazine

When you are facing regrets (click for page 1 and 2), beating yourself up for things you wish you (hadn't) said or done then this Psychologies Magazine (click for page 3 and 4) article is written for you. ​I was fortune to be interviewed and shared my snippets of wisdom on how to let go of regret.

November 2022:

Metro Newspaper

Nowadays we’re all guilty of filling our grids with carefully taken solo-shots, while videos with the hashtag #howtopose are getting billions of views. Why have we stopped taking pictures of each other? And will we regret curating our feeds with ‘influencer-style’ shots of ourselves?

March 2022: Psychologies Magazine

How to navigate the storm of mental ill health and journey towards wellness with greater self-awareness and the belief in a brighter future. Enjoy reading this honest and open article about how to find yourself again after a personal crisis.

Dec 2021: SNBN - Foundation for the Dutch Outside the Netherlands

Karin Peeters felt happy for the opportunity to sponsor two of her online coaching courses to the fundraising event of SNBN (Stichting Nederlanders buiten Nederland), the 'Foundation for the Dutch Outside the Netherlands'.


Nov 2021: Flashpack Travel

Thoughtful article on friendships by FlashPack, a travel agency for solo travelers. Friendships are a central pillar of self-care – here’s how to make the most of them, especially during (solo) travel.

OCT 2021: Psychologies Magazine

When your mind is tired, and your brain pretty fried, then 'Soft Fascination' could be exactly what you've been longing for. A way of truly resting your mind, different from just switching off. Overcome attention fatigue and enjoy a kind, soft thoughts.

Sep 2021: My imperfect life

How to reset and nail what's left of 2021? Life and Career Coach Karin Peeters broke down her key tips on how to get yourself in the best mindset to approach the rest of the year.

Mar 2021: FlashPack Travel

Finding happiness: how to be more confident? Karin Peeters gives ideas how to be more confident in different life situations, and why solo travel is the best workout of all for self-esteem!

Nov 2020: Hey Mama Earth

Lovely article on improving self-talk during lockdown 2.0 with the magic of mantras. The main message? I will be kinder to myself.


Sept 2020: Stylist Magazine

This is why you’re really fighting with your partner, according to psychotherapist Karin Peeters. “Unconsciously we have the tendency to choose a partner who will trigger our hurt from the past” Karin Peeters, coach and psychotherapist at Vitalis tells The Stylist.


Aug 2020: Yahoo Finance

It can be difficult to turn down unpaid work, particularly if you’re just starting out, need to boost your CV and there is talk of a recession. Karin Peeters was interviewed for coaching advice how to deal with clients who expect you to work for free.

Apr 2020: Yahoo Finance

Coronavirus: How to work from home alongside your partner— and get along. Under normal circumstances, lots of people wish they could spend more quality time with their partners. Karin Peeters was interviewed for Couple Counselling advice.

Feb 2020: Breathe Magazine

Proudly featured in Breathe Magazine, about how to slow down. The lovely article is full of professional advice on dealing with the sometimes challenging feelings that can arise in winter. The link opens in a wonderful blog post, and you can read the full article halfway the page.


Dec 2019: Cosmopolitan

Life is short and there’s nothing worse than being stuck in a job you hate. Karin Peeters talks in the Cosmopolitan about what to do in five difficult work situations.


Sept 2019: Red Bull

Red Bull interviewed me on the life-changing magic of camping. When coaching clients to describe a moment in their lives when they felt safe, clear and calm, they often mention mountains, green meadows, oceans and lakes. Being in nature has a healing effect.

May 2019: Yahoo Finance

What questions should you ask to find out more about a company during a job interview when aiming for a career change? For example "What are the biggest challenges of this company at the moment, and how can I in my role contribute to overcoming them?"


Mar 2019: Royal Television Society

There is a current wave of TV, where the voices of young women writers are being heard, and they’re using this new platform to express all the challenges, desires and fears of 20-something life. Read Karin’s psycho-therapeutic view.


Dec 2018: Stylist Magazine

Dreading the psychological clashes at Christmas time with the family? Life Coach Karin Peeters explains a technique called mirroring to cope with challenging relatives without being rude.


Dec 2018: FM Financial Management

A coach and therapist in our team was interviewed for Financial Management about how to say ‘no’ without damaging your career. She outlined how to set boundaries at work in a way that can actually help you get ahead.

Jul 2018: Flashpack

If you’re the kind of person who is prone to anxious thoughts, the build-up to travel can be a stressful period. Karin Peeters outlines a simple way to cope with travel anxiety.


May 2018: Metro

Travel as therapy: five ways to experience the benefits and leave your troubles at home. Karin Peeters outlines a simple way experience the benefits and leave your troubles at home.


Nov 2016: VICE

VICE wrote "The Guide to Getting Through a Mid-Twenties Crisis". The article talks about self-doubt, feeling trapped in a job or a relationship and feeling disillusioned about what "real life" is. Enjoy these coaching tools to cope with stress surrounding decision-making.



May 2016: Daily Telegraph - UK

Television series Billions has left viewers enthralled with its depiction of life at a top hedge fund – and in particular by the character of Wendy Rhoades, a performance coach who spends her days counselling stressed-out Wall Street executives. Karin Peeters is an Executive Coach and Therapist with many high-level corporate workers among her clientele.


Dec 2015: eFinancial Careers - UK

London based Executive Career Coach Karin Peeters talks with Editor-At-Large Sarah Butcher about the ten signs that indicate that it might be time to leave your career in finance.

Sept 2015: Your Teen Magazine - USA

Why could a Gap Year be perfect for you? Karin has had one herself to Paris when she was 19, to study at the Sorbonne. A Gap Year will be lots of fun, and could also be challenging at times. By facing and overcoming these challenges, you will develop more confidence which you can fall back upon for the rest of your life.

Aug 2015: Financial Times - The Netherlands

Ever heard of the Productivity Puzzle? Historically, productivity has trended upwards over time: more goods and services have been produced per hour worked and this has allowed living standards to rise. But lately this doesn't seem to be the case in the UK. Career Coach Karin Peeters was interviewed for the Dutch Financial Times.


Dec 2014: eFinancial Careers - UK

You want a new job in finance? But what if you pack all your problems and bad habits in your suitcase, just to unpack them somewhere new, a question answered by London based Executive Career Coach Karin Peeters.

Oct 2014: eFinancialCareers - UK

Forty is an age at which bankers and traders who’ve had successful careers start casting about for something else instead. Executive Coach Karin Peeters says “What’s on your CV is only a tiny bit of who you are. – People go into, or leave, finance for very different reasons. You need to go back to the essence of what you really want from life.”


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Jul 2014: Ealing Gazette - West London Newspaper

West London based coach Karin Peeters was interviewed for the My Trade section in the local Ealing newspaper about how she became a Life Coach and Psychotherapist and what she's learned about herself and others along the way.

Apr 2014: eFinancialCareers - UK

If you work in banking in particular (where careers often end around the age 45), your 30s are going to be the definitive decade at work. Here’s how to handle them best, as adviced by psychologists who’ve counselled bankers like your own Executive Career Coach Karin Peeters. Invaluable advice for bankers in their 30s about staying true to yourself.

Jan 2014: eFinancialCareers - UK

Job hunters find themselves trapped by the need to earn huge amounts of money. Some find it impossible to quit their unfulfilling jobs and start a career in an industry more aligned with their values. Career Coach Karin Peeters talks about how to make sure that your decisions are not guided by your fears.


Dec 2013: Quartz - UK

Quartz is a digitally native news outlet for the new global economy. This article talks about how stress at work has grown extensively and as a result, one-third of UK companies report regularly having to cope with employee burnout. The article argues that financial companies should stress test their employees to actively take care of their health and well-being.

Oct 2013: Thomson Reuters - UK

Reuters is an international news agency headquartered in Canary Wharf, London and a division of Thomson Reuters. The Chief Correspondent for Britain spoke with Executive Coach Karin Peeters regarding a senior banker at Barclays taking time off due to stress.

Oct 2013: - Ireland

The Reuters article was published by The Irish Independent is Ireland's largest-selling daily newspaper. Karin Peeters is quoted regarding her views on a senior banker taking time of due to stress.


Sept 2013: Capital - Germany

For more than four decades, CAPITAL has been one of the leading business magazines in Germany. It is by far the best known and longest established business magazine in Germany and the magazine of choice for senior management in the worlds of business, politics and finance. Karin Peeters has been interviewed by Ines Zoettl and featured in this thought-provoking article (written in German).

Sept 2013: eFinancialCareers - UK

Executive Career Coach Karin Peeters helps if you don’t want to sit around waiting for recruiters to respond to your applications when they get around to it. If you don't want to live in hope that your CV will inveigle its way through automated screening procedures and if you want a job soon: now’s the time to get proactive. Take your job search into your own hands, Career Coach Karin Peeters tells you how.


Aug 2013: Margriet - The Netherlands

Karin Peeters has been interviewed by Dutch magazine Margriet regarding the best places in London to re-connect with yourself. Karin loves this vibrant city, yet spending enough time in green spaces, silence and places of natural beauty is vital for our well-being.

Jun 11th, 2013: eFinancialCareers - UK

If you’re feeling trapped in a job you dislike simply because it pays the bills, then you can buoy yourself up with this thought: there are some excellent reasons to hang on to a job, and they have nothing to do with being trapped. Regardless of unpleasantness, careers specialists like Karin Peeters give reasons you could choose to stay in a job you hate.

Jun 6th, 2013: eFinancialCareers - UK

Coaching clients who work in the financial industry and wish to get out of the sector because it is not fulfilling anymore, but with very high fixed outgoings, they feel trapped by the need to receive a substantial figure into their bank account every month. The Career Coaching helps overcome the financial uncertainty, and to make a plan for a way out into a more satisfying career.

May 2013: Joris Luyendijk Banking Blog - The Guardian

The Guardian launched a project: an anthropological study of the Square Mile by Joris Luyendijk, called "Voices of Finance". As a Life & Executive Coach in London Karin Peeters works with lots of people who work in the financial sector and she was interviewed by Joris Luyendijk about her experiences.



Apr 2013: Expedition Happiness - The Netherlands

Expedition Happiness (Expeditie Geluk) is a Dutch not-for-profit initiative that aims to give each child in The Netherlands classes at school on happiness. This book started with empty pages, and Life Coach Karin Peeters supported this mission by asking people to fill the pages with their views on happiness. eBook of Expedition Happiness. You'll find photographs of Karin Peeters on page 14 and 15.

Jan 2013: Women's Fitness Magazine - UK

You don't have to give up all the good stuff in life to improve your health and wellbeing - even the smallest diet and lifestyle tweaks can have an enormous impact. Life Coach Karin Peeters explains in this article in Women's Fitness Magazine what small changes like decluttering, 5 minute meditations and the simple act of kindness can do for your wellbeing.

Feb 2012: The Book of Heroes - The Netherlands

In this Dutch Book of Heroes ("Heldenboek") are stories by 51 people who describe their own personal hero in an inspiring way. Special stories, about special people. Some famous, some not. London based Life & Career Coach Karin Peeters has been nominated to be featured in this book.

Dec 2011: The Telegraaf - The Netherlands

Karin Peeters is a committee member of the Nederlandse City Lunches (Dutch Network Lunches in the City of London, associated with the Royal Embassy of The Kingdom of The Netherlands). The article in the Dutch newspaper The Telegraaf covers a lecture of Rick van der Ploeg, Professor of Economics at the University of Oxford, regarding the financial situation of the Euro during one of these network lunches.

Aug 2011: RTL News, Edition NL - The Netherlands

This television interview covers the riots in London from the psychological perspective of a Dutch Life Coach in London. Karin Peeters talks about her experiences of the riots in Ealing on the Dutch television.


Jun 2011: Babcock Lifeskills - UK

Karin Peeters of Vitalis Coaching was interviewed for theBabcock Lifeskills series, edition "Working in Advice and Counselling". The book covers areas and jobs for those interested in working closely with others in a career in advice, life coaching or counselling.


Aug 2010: The Times - UK

The Times article covers the different approaches of financial advisers, life coaches and counsellors in relation to financial issues. London based Life Coach Karin says “Counselling [and coaching] isn't about giving financial advice. It supports you in challenging financial times and explores your relationship and habitual behaviour patterns around money.”

Jan 2010: Hayes FM, London Local Radio

Karin Peeters talks on the London Local Radio about Life Coaching, what the coaching process entails and shares information about the true value of working together with a Personal and Professional Life Coach.

Aug 2009: The Guardian - UK

The article in The Guardian covers the influence of gap years and sabbaticals on our career path and self-esteem. Karin Peeters, a Life Coach in London, is a great fan of observing our lives from a distance; during holidays, gap years, sabbaticals or via special coaching techniques. She enjoyed herl own gap years in Paris at the age of 19 plus several spiritual sabbaticals in India and Nepal.

Jun 2008: StayOkay Magazine - The Netherlands

Karin Peeters wrote an article in this Dutch magazine about her journey through India (p1) and within herself (p2). She describes the magic feeling of travelling; living in the now, without the pressures of "I must, should, have to do all these chores" and the freedom of time and space.


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