Reduce stress and worry and learn how to truly relax with Life & Career Coach London.
And find out the difference between stress and anxiety.
We all experience stress at times. And that’s ok. But when the pressure becomes too much, too intense, or it goes on for too long it can get the best out of us.
We can get stressed due to a number of reasons. We’re all unique and different things get different people out of balance. Common causes are busy periods at work, giving a lot of yourself but feeling you’re not receiving enough in return, disagreements with your partner, the death of a loved one, conflict at work, illness or big changes like becoming a parent, moving home, losing a job or starting a new role.
Grateful Client
“Coaching helped me identify where my limitations and inner barriers are, and how to overcome them.”
john lingley
How to improve your work-life balance?
Do you have an excessive or deficient coping strategy to try to manage stress? Each strategy means well, but fails to reduce that feeling of overwhelm.
The way an individual copes with stress usually falls into one of these categories: increasing one’s energy and attention to fight the stress or decreasing it in order to withdraw from the situation. This results in an excessive or deficient coping strategy (Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith).
Do you turn inward and hide away from the source of your stress, or do you become super-active with a never ending to-do list in an attempt to solve the issue? Both are coping strategies designed to deal with stress, but eventually they can both result in behaviour that doesn’t reach the desired outcome. Over time, it can even cause health problems, affecting your sleep patterns, mood and energy levels.
Do you turn inward and hide away from the source of your stress, or do you become super-active with a never ending to-do list in an attempt to solve the issue?
"The results of the coaching were outstanding and I feel totally liberated and empowered."
Nikki - Corporate Finance Analyst
It's crucial to overcome your 'Inner Saboteur' and 'Inner Critic' to achieve inner peace.
You probably know that if you’re the one using the “excessive strategy” that you need a rest, go to yoga or leave work early and not to check your phone at night. And when you are the “one that withdraws” you are quite likely already are aware that postponing doesn’t work, that thinking things over and over in your head doesn’t change anything, and that you should stop avoiding the real issue and find the courage to face up to your demons.
But even though you know all the "things you should do", they might not happen. And blaming yourself and beating yourself up makes the stress even worse. Psychologists call this ‘sabotaging ourselves’. Your inner critic blocks any positive progress (bullying ourselves into action rarely works), and this is where a Life Coach &Therapist can really help.
Would you like insight into the ways in which you sabotage yourself? And receive friendly support to master your inner critic, help to reduce your stress levels and learn to not just switch off, but actually relax and re-charge your batteries? Let’s talk.
What's the difference between stress and anxiety?
Stress and anxiety have many things in common, such as such as irritability, anger, fatigue, muscle pain, digestive troubles, a lack of energy, and difficulty sleeping. You know, that feeling of having a shorter fuse, being more emotional without apparent reason, the tossing and turning in bed, the difficulty to make decisions or to stay on top of things and the inability to switch of your thoughts.
With stress, these symptoms disappear once the stressful trigger has passed. In the case of anxiety however, the symptoms remain, even when the 'threat' has subsided. The persistent, excessive worries stay present, even though there is no 'logical' stressor anymore. A sense of nervousness, rapid heartbeat, changes in breathing patterns and a sense of impending doom are common experiences. It's a sign of your nervous system being in a state of perceived danger. And it's totally irrelevant if the danger is 'actually there’ or 'imagined'. Your physical, mental and emotional responses are real and they can be incredibly exhausting and debilitating.
Vitalis Coaching & Therapy helps you cope with, befriend and eventually transform your anxiety into insight, resilience and inner calm.