Go beyond a coping strategy to reduce your anxiety with Life Coaching & Therapy in London, UK (and online).
When you miss your previous care-free self, we help you find yourself again.
Feeling anxious, restless and stressed, with or without apparent reason?
life is not meant to be impacted by fear. We’re here to help you calm your mind, sleep properly and relax.
learning to cope is just the beginning.
Anxiety Life Coaching & Therapy seeks to go beyond your fear and panic to a place of freedom where you can be truly yourself.
How? By increasing your self-awareness, compassion and loving-kindness. Many of our coaching and therapy clients mention that managing their anxiety would be such a relief, and to go from coping to thriving is something they can hardly imagine possible. Let’s begin with saying that we don’t have a magic wand, and we’ll never promise you’ll live anxiety-free forever. Anxiety might always remain a sensitive area when life is giving you a hard time. But there is good news too.
So how will we help you? At Vitalis Coaching & Therapy we do believe it’s possible to ‘befriend’ your fears. That might sound weird. We don’t mean lovingly accepting them, so that they’ll be around forever. Befriending means to be curious and to explore your fears, in order to understand their deeper message, so you can move beyond the anxiety and re-connect with who you truly are.
Instead of fighting the panic, moving away from the fear and being critical of it’s presence, during our coaching and therapy sessions we will move towards the anxiety instead. We'll explore your stretch zone together in a gentle and caring matter, without ever reaching the panic zone. You can imagine it as bringing a candle into a dark space, slowly expanding the area that feels safe.
We're here to reassure you that anxiety is incredibly common and that the roots of the fear can be healed with the help of coaching and therapy. We happen to be qualified in both, which is one of the reasons our clients love working with us.
Why do you have anxiety? In our experience (and from a more spiritual perspective), anxiety is often a messenger that is trying to convey something important. Even though the way your unconscious is currently going about it is frustratingly annoying and might even mess with your capacity to live normally, the essence of your anxiety does have your well-being at heart. That might feel hard to believe. But once we help you understand what your psyche is trying to communicate with you, and you start listening to your deepest truth, your anxiety diminishes and more joy and inner freedom will take its place.
Life is precious, use it well.
Anxiety Coaching - schedule your free discovery call today
Are you longing for the clarity and confidence to take your life in the right direction?
“I’ve been feeling restless, fearful, trying in vain to control my thoughts, worried and with a feeling of pressure on my chest for as long as I can remember. I didn’t fully realise that it was becoming the new normal to feel this way.
But since having Life Coaching for Anxiety I know it is possible to be calmer. I am more aware when my mind is becoming disturbed and have the tools to bring myself back to a place of peace.”
Life Coaching for Anxiety: Navigating Your Comfort, Stretch & Panic Zone
Anxiety comes in many gradations. Feeling a little anxious or restless is considered to be a normal response to a stressful event. But at times, life can really throw you off course. Vitalis Coaching & Therapy believes you, like everyone else, experience a comfort zone, a stretch zone and a panic zone.
The comfort zone is safe and relaxing, but you don't learn much. It’s a place to retreat in order to recharge your batteries and restore your balance.
The stretch zone is that place of butterflies, a knot in the stomach, of slight discomfort. It can make you feel quite stressed, restless or worried. The fear or that sense of being on edge is unpleasant and affects your overall mood, but it’s not unbearable. In this space you grow, learn and expand you capabilities. It's perfectly safe to spend some time in your stretch zone. But as soon as the external stressful trigger has passed, you should be able to naturally return to your comfort zone to regain your strength.
But when the stretch zone goes on for too long, without respite or without proper guidance (from for example a manager, parent or partner) you can get overwhelmed, tired, worried and reach your panic zone. To be in the panic zone occasionally, before a major deadline or in relation to an important life event is OK. But only briefly, so you can return to your comfort zone at any moment you choose, to replenish your energy levels. When the panic zone continues for too long and you feel a sense of dread or suffer from panic attacks, fear starts to impact your ability to live freely and happily and has a negative impact on your overall well-being.
It doesn’t need to be this way. Life is precious, and at Vitalis Coaching & Therapy we help you navigate your anxiety by showing you how to get back to a place of comfort and safety, recognising the warning signals of approaching your panic zone and sharing tools and techniques to help you broaden your stretch and comfort zone.
Together we’ll make sense of everything that’s happening to you, and support you to move forwards in life with more clarity and ease.
"A huge weight has lifted off my shoulders."
Anxiety Coaching & Therapy: How to befriend your fears with curiosity and compassion?
"We’ll hold you safe and with gentleness and honesty we move closer to the walls that divide you from your inner peace. We, so to speak, touch them and smell them and get to know them well. We become familiar with the strategies and beliefs we use to build the walls. We start to get curious about what is going on. Without calling what we see as right or wrong, we simply look as objectively and curiously as we can. What are our methods of escaping the feelings of anxiety, depression, boredom or loneliness? Do we cheer ourselves up with shopping, watching hours of television, eating, adventures, alcohol or surfing the net? Some of these methods are dangerous, some are humorous, and some are quite benign. But neither of them solve the underlying issue.
We will observe ourselves with humour, not getting overly serious, moralistic, or uptight about this investigation. We train in remaining open and receptive to whatever arises. Instead of avoiding uncertainty, pain and fear we learn to relate to our discomfort. The cracks in the walls will widen, compassion awakens to accommodate our own fears and courage and love flow through."
Source: "The places that scare you, a guide to fearlessness" by Pema Chödrön.
How Life Coaching & Therapy helps with Anxiety: Fight - Flight - Freeze and Beyond
A tendency to freeze, fight or flight is a common reaction to anxiety. If the fears prompt you to avoid certain situations in order to protect yourself and feel safer, you're in flight response. If you feel like a bunny in the headlights, paralysed, at a loss for words, with brain fog, totally unsure of what to do, then you're in the freeze response. The final one, fight response, is when you go into overdrive in an attempt to beat the problem. You work harder, try your utmost best, putting even more effort in, hoping that this will make the problem and the stress go away.
At Vitalis Coaching & Therapy we help you understand how neither the flight, freeze or fight response are getting you the result you want, and support you to learn to cope with and manage your anxiety so you can return to a place of peace and inner calm.
“I started my journey with Vitalis being a very confused thirty year old, anxious and quite overwhelmed by the life choices I had to make. I can honestly say I feel a different person.”
Laura Goossens
Life Coaching & Therapy for Anxiety - So, What’s Next?
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