What exactly is Spirituality Coaching and is it for you?
Slow down, turn inwards and improve your physical, emotional and spiritual health & overall well-being.
Life’s too precious to live on auto-pilot, making decisions based on the opinion of others. It’s your life, and it matters to live it true. It’s vital to learn to listen to your heart and be connected to your soul. Maybe you have no idea what you truly want. Or you might have a deeper calling, inviting you to live a life that feels alien or scary to follow. Yet how can you not follow? What is the alternative? To sleep-walk through your own life, making decisions that look good on your CV, but hurt your spirit? Waking up with a dissatisfying sense of “is this it”? Settling for “good-enough” is not what life is all about. Deep inside you there is a wisdom ready to guide you to a more fulfilling way of being. Together with a Spiritual Life Coach it’s easier to find out what your soul has in store for you. Connecting with our infinite and loving spiritual source will be one of most important gifts you’ve ever given to yourself.
Life is precious, use it well.
A holistic approach to counselling, therapy and life coaching based on Eastern Philosophy, Mindfulness and Meditation re-connects you with your spirituality and brings deep emotional healing, a sense overall well-being, meaning, inner peace and a feeling of profound love for oneself, others and the world we live in.
Is something missing in your life?
Would you like to learn to recognise and listen to your intuition?
Is there a sense of being unfulfilled, even though your life might look as though you have many things to be grateful for?
Have you lost touch with what truly matters to you?
Spiritual Life Coaching, Counselling or Psychotherapy sessions work with your entire being, that is mind, body, soul and spirit. We'll work on a deeper level, supporting you to bring all aspects of your life in balance.
ready for an inner journey
Are you longing for the clarity and confidence to take your life in the right direction?
What Spiritual Life Coaching with us is and isn’t.
As there are many ways to interpret a vast concept as spirituality, we thought it would be helpful for you to know what we believe it is, and what is and isn’t part of our coaching sessions.
In a nutshell, we believe in a Middle Way. A bridge between a Western, grounded, practical approach, and an Eastern, receptive, softer wisdom. Meaning that we’ll help you figure out where you’d like to get to in life, which steps are needed to get there, and how and where you’re getting in your own way. But we’ll also a guide you to open up to something bigger, to surrender to what the universe has in store for you, to move beyond your rational needs and wants, and to dare to trust that life finds it own way to work itself out.
For our coaching and therapy sessions, this means that you can expect guided meditations and visualisations, but no incense to cleanse your aura. We’ll share with you how the tensions in your body relate to the Eastern Chakra System, and facilitate a deep release of those energy blocks. But we won’t bring in the crystals or start chanting into your subtle energy field. During our work together there will be nothing airy-fairy or overly hippie-dippie. Totally fine if that’s your cup of tea, and it certainly has its benefits, but just wanted to let you know what you can and can’t expect on our spiritual coaching journey together. The Coaches and Therapists at Vitalis are actually very grounded and practical people. We’re connected with spirit, yet have our feet firmly planted on the ground.
Spiritual Life Coaching with Vitalis is a beautiful combination of head and heart, goals and gut, solutions and soul.
Spiritual Life Coach
Reconnect with what matters most
Bridge between Business and Buddha
Have your feet firmly planted on the ground, yet bring soul to everything that you do.
How will Spiritual Life Coaching and Eastern Philosophy help you?
Getting introduced to Eastern Philosophy and their ancient Art of Living changes the way you look at your life, your potential for growth, your understanding of the reasons behind suffering and a deeper sense of fulfilment. Our unique approach to Coaching & Therapy is, depending on the wishes of you as our client, influenced by an Eastern and Spiritual way of looking at the world. We use ancient Eastern wisdom, yoga, Buddhism, mindfulness and meditation in our work together.
At Vitalis Coaching & Therapy we don't believe in one right way. We invite you to be you, and love to learn from you too. We welcome people of all cultures, beliefs and religions, and help you to be uniquely you, to find out what is true to you.
Our unique “East meets West” approach makes use of Western Coaching techniques, like solution focussed goal setting and action planning, and also incorporates the following universal spiritual concepts, which contribute to your own happiness and radiate out for the benefit of those you love.
What topics does Spiritual Life Coaching cover?
Loving Kindness, Good Heart & Compassion
Patience & Inner Peace
Letting go & Forgiveness
Buddhist art of living
Generosity, Contribution & Giving Back
Mindfulness, yoga & Meditation & Visualisation
universal Connection with something bigger than oneself
Ethics & Integrity
creating your own Personal mantra
and also
Goal setting
Overcoming inner saboteurs
Action planning
I like your “East meets West” approach to Spirituality Coaching, let’s talk.

"The calming heart-felt nature of the coaching sessions allowed real healing to take place."
susHil mitchell - happy client
Vitalis: where Spiritual Life Coaching, Western and Eastern Philosophy meet.
According to Vitalis Coaching & Therapy, spirituality is about a sense of inner peace, a connection with something beyond ourselves and about living with purpose and meaning. When you are aligned with your own spirit and soul, you feel a universal "in-the-present-moment" connectedness, joy, peace and love. When one of your aims during our work together is to re-connect with your own spiritual side, we'll help you define what spirituality means to you, and how you can increase its presence in your life.
Spirituality and Eastern Philosophy bring a timeless ancient wisdom to the coaching work, inviting you to live based on a deep integrity, a belief of universal wholeness and a fundamental desire to increase kindness and compassion to this world.
Our coaching sessions guide you to incorporate an Art of Living that benefits both your personal and your professional life. Our unique “East meets West” approach makes use of Western Coaching techniques, like solution focussed goal setting and action planning, yet also incorporates Eastern, universal spiritual concepts like compassion, generosity, forgiveness and patience, which contribute to your own happiness and radiate out to those you care about.

Spirituality Life Coaching in London, UK and beyond (online)
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