Client Gratitude
Career Coaching
Career Coaching is for everybody who is currently working or in between jobs. Typical work-related subjects during our Coaching sessions include: increasing your satisfaction, success, confidence and balance at work. We’ll put emphasis on your personal growth, decrease your stress levels, finding a sense of purpose and help you to improve your relationships with managers and colleagues.
When your job is giving you a hard time, if it just isn't as fun as you want it to be, when you are looking for a change in career or are currently in-between jobs: Career Coaching might be just the answer for you.
The team at Vitalis Coaching & Therapy has worked successfully with professionals from Ernst & Young, Rabobank, RBS Bank, Goldman Sachs, Burberry, GlaxoSmithKline, BBC, Diageo, L’Oréal, the NHS, Imperial College London, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Save the Children (amongst others). We enjoy coaching you, no matter if the company you work for is your own business, big or small, profit or non-profit, a terrible or an extremely joyful place to work. Vitalis Coaching & Therapy is here for you.
Let’s get more meaning, fulfilment, respect, success and fun out of your working life.
“Karin is knowledgeable and experienced in both the commercial world and the coaching environment.”
”I have received professional coaching from Karin at Vitalis Coaching and can definitely recommend their services. Karin is knowledgeable and experienced in both the commercial world and also in the coaching environment. She helped me to set realistic goals, but still "stretched" me to achieve beyond my perceived limitations.”
Delia Alison Shepherd - 60 years - Managing Director, ReAssess Limited - Stranraer, Scotland
“You know that you are safe in the warm environment that Karin creates.”
“At the beginning of the year I decided that in 2010 I wanted to make some positive changes in regards to career etc. and I wanted to make sure that I was in the ‘space’ to make them. I attended the Vision Board Workshop and two follow up coaching sessions with Karin. I really enjoyed the workshop; just sitting in a room with piles of magazines, tearing out pages of photos or words that had some possible meaning for me. It was quite fun and it was nice to see what other people came up with as well.
In my first coaching session to discuss the Vision Board I saw how the images I had picked represented where I wanted to be, but also the contrast of where I was at the moment. Which at that time, was not a good place in regards to living arrangements and job. We didn’t really talk about the vision Board in the second coaching session, but instead did an exercise to work on confidence and looking at the future. I walked away from the session feeling really good about my purpose and what I want to achieve.
Karin has a really gentle, non-threatening way of asking questions to get you thinking and you know that you are safe in the warm environment that she creates. If you want to make a positive change in your life, I would highly recommend Karin’s Life Coach services to help guide you through.”
Marsha - 34 years - London - United Kingdom
“I learned to dispel misconceptions about myself and focus on things that energised me.”
“Karin has been instrumental in helping me find clarity and purpose in my life. Through our sessions, I learned to dispel misconceptions about myself and focus on things that energised me, leading to a more fulfilling work-life balance. Her guidance allowed me to reconnect with my creativity, which became a powerful emotional outlet, and improved my communication with those closest to me.
Her approach gave me the confidence to explore my feelings deeply, and the tools she provided continue to influence my day-to-day life. I am deeply grateful for the impact Karin has had on my personal and professional journey, and I highly recommend her to anyone seeking support in their personal growth.”
Male - remote sessions via Zoom
“I can recommend Karin's services to anyone looking to reassess or change their career.”
”As I was mulling over the direction my career was taking, and how to rethink this to create a better balance, I ended up talking causes and ideas through with Karin. She managed to create a relaxing environment, listening actively, while exhibiting a good understanding of the choices I was facing.
Karin was excellent at asking those probing and difficult questions that teased out the underlying issues. She was confronting, but in exactly the way that enabled a good discussion. I enjoyed sparring with her, she managed to give me good food for thought every time we met. Karin is a great listener, creates a relaxed atmosphere and asks the right questions. I can recommend Karin's services to anyone looking to reassess or change their career.”
Senior Manager - Big Four Accountancy Firm - London
“With Karin’s help I learned a lot about myself, and felt very motivated as a result of our sessions.”
”Talking with Karin helped me to understand and deal with work place situations better. Especially important was that it helped me coming to terms with the issues that led to my unemployment. Being unemployed for me is like being thirsty but there is no water, it feels like surviving.
With Karin’s help I learned a lot about myself, and felt very motivated as a result of our sessions and the workshop. The best thing was that she helped me imagining my vision and passions. It was very good and I felt positive afterwards.”
“Karin made me feel safe and asked all the right questions. It led to a number of great new insights.”
“I first participated in one of Vitalis Coaching’s Vision Board workshops, because I was thinking about a career change and was hoping that, by subconsciously tearing pictures from magazines and putting them together in a Vision Board, I'd get some new insights in that respect. It was wonderful to see what a happy and energetic board I created, especially since I hadn’t felt that energetic and happy about my current job for a long time.
I decided to meet up with Karin for follow-up sessions to analyse my Vision Board further. We first discussed the rational side of a possible career switch. Secondly Karin indicated to let the rational side go and we went into my subconscious by literally stepping onto my Vision Board. Karin made me feel safe and asked all the right questions. It led to a number of great (new) insights. I’m absolutely sure that both the workshop and the additional coaching sessions will help me make the right decision with respect to my career!”
“Thank you for the Career Coaching: I am now ready to take a leap!”
"Thanks very much again for all your coaching support; I'm feeling much clearer about my options and a lot more confident about navigating this decision."
“I have been working with Karin for almost a year (and will continue to do so).”
Karin was instrumental in helping me be the happiest, most fulfilled person, through deeply understanding myself and what I truly want out of life, my career and my relationships. I have been working with her for almost a year (and continue to do so), and each session continues to bring valuable new insights. I was hesitant to reach out at first as I had only started with soft unsure feelings about my career trajectory and finding balance, but am very glad I did, as I have learned more about myself than I thought possible.
Matthew Roberts - Central Operations manager Europe, Middle East & AFrica - Australian
“I know that Karin has been key in regaining a
positive direction in my career.”
“The bank that I worked for was taken over and integrated during 2008. The consequence was that people, processes and the job content totally changed. In this chaos I lost perspective for further personal development. The aim of our professional coaching sessions was to organise this chaos and to get the focus and direction in my career back.
My experience is that Karin is very skilled in asking the right questions and finding the exercises to discover my core values and how I can ensure that these get a central role in my development. By being quite confronting at times, I know that she has been key in regaining a positive direction in my career.”
Christiaan - 33 years - International Asset Manager, Top Tier Asset Management Company
“The sessions with Karin were just right and came at a good moment for me in my life.”
“I’m originally from Ethiopia. Before I wasn’t allowed to work in the UK as I had to wait for my visa. Now I have it and I’m starting a new life! I will do any job and am very happy to go back to study again. Practising job interviews with Karin Peeters was very useful for my confidence to find work in the UK. The sessions with her were just right and came at a good moment for me in my life.”
Yared Tesfa ~ Ethiopian ~ Living in West London
“A heartfelt thank you email from a previous client.”
“I was just sitting on a sunny terrace and decided that I would finally email you today – which I’ve been meaning to do for ages. I often recall the mantra you suggested for me: “I matter”. If not for our sessions and that mantra I wouldn’t be sitting where I am today. And I wouldn’t be feeling ten times happier now than I did two years ago.
I’m partway through retraining as a naturopathic nutritionist and in the meantime am really enjoying the journey. Thanks so much for everything: You’ve really had a profound impact on my life.”