Learn how to face your demons with the support of Life Coaching


In life we have the tendency to turn away from what’s upsetting us. We numb, hide, avoid and become masters at not having to feel what’s lurking in the depths of our being.

When you’ve come to the conclusion that this isn’t working for you, then consider this.

Befriend them. Yep, you read that right. Instead of fighting your demons, make friends with what you dislike most about yourself. Invite your fears and inner demons to a cup of tea, sit them down and have a good chat. Demons are inside of you, inside all of us. They are experienced in the form of fear, illness, depression, insecurity, anger, anxiety, trauma, relationship difficulties, and addiction. They are repressed or unconscious aspects of your personality, waiting to be known, understood and integrated.

Drawing of a leaf

No matter how tempting it is to push the unpleasant stuff away, shuffle the emotions under the carpet, ignore your negative thoughts or pretend that "not giving it any attention" actually helps. It doesn't. It just reappears when you need it least. When your guard is down or your stress levels are up, voila, these unwanted emotions resurface looking even more ugly than you’d imagined.

But it doesn’t need to be that way.

Voice Dialogue: How to talk with your demons

With the helped of a trained Coach or Therapist you can have a dialogue with the part of you that is upset. You look it in the eye and talk with your inner demons, and together we’ll find out what it wants from you, and what it needs in order to heal, transform and dissolve.

Elephant’s eye looking straight at you
Very scary looking wolf, represeting your inner fears and demons
Hungry tiger walking towards you, representing your fears and inner demon

“Human beings, we have dark sides; we have dark issues in our lives. To progress anywhere in life you have to face your demons.”

John Noble


And I know, from my own experience and that of my clients, that it takes courage to say "oh yes sure, all that pain and suffering and hurt, come on in, you “are ever so welcome"... It takes bravery. Plus the support of people who care about you, including if you’re interested a Life coach, Counsellor or Therapist like us. We’ve been where you are now, know the terrain and go with you every step of the way.

Rest assured, it is not about overwhelming yourself when facing your demons. We go for slightly uncomfortable at most. Step by step you allow the feelings to be felt, seen and heard. That's how they lose their grip over you. By paying attention, taking them seriously, stopping the judgement, trying to understand what they are trying to tell you and by giving them permission to "just be", that's how they seize to exist, transform, integrate and yes, that’s how you heal.

Let Vitalis Coaching & Therapy guide you to feel a little lighter as you travel through life.


Learning to face your Inner Demons, what’s next?

Facing your demons at Vitalis Coaching and Therapy